Blockchain Tools: Wei Converters, Hex Converters, and more

thirdweb now offers a collection of free tools that web3 developers (including the thirdweb team!) use daily.
- Wei Converter: Convert between wei, gwei, and ether numeric values. These units are commonly used to represent precise currency amounts, gas and transaction fees, and human-readable currency amounts.
- Hex Converter: Convert between hexadecimal and decimal numeric values. Hex values are commonly used to represent numbers in block and transaction payloads.
- Unix Time Converter: Convert a Unix timestamp from seconds or milliseconds to a human-readable local or UTC time.
- Keccak-256 Converter: Convert a string to a Keccak-256 hash, commonly used in Solidity logic.

Try them out, bookmark the page, and let us know what tools you’d like to see next!